Brain surgery, science and education

As a pediatric neurosurgeon, neuroscientist, and educator, I come across many interesting bits of information and wonderful people. I will try to share some of this with you here. While the site draws heavily from my experiences as the Campagna Chair of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Oregon Health & Science University, and head of neurosurgery at Doernbecher Children's Hospital, this is a personal blog. My thanks to my wonderful OHSU colleagues, who share this exciting and rewarding work with me.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Next Generation

I am very proud of each and every resident trained in the neurosurgery residency program at Oregon Health & Science University/Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. This week, we got some news that one of them will join us in the small but important specialty of pediatric neurosurgery, caring for children with surgical disorders of the brain and spinal cord.

Dr. Eric Thompson joined the OHSU neurosurgery training program in 2005. Raised and educated in Nebraska, Eric was a young and quiet resident, who developed and interest, and great talent, caring for children and their families. He also went into the laboratory to help develop better ways of treating children with brain tumors: understanding how to stop tumor growth and reduce the impact of chemotherapy on kids.

In the meantime, Dr. Thompson also developed a leader’s voice. He took a role in teaching students and younger residents. He spoke about his research at national meetings. He represented all OHSU residents on the institutional education committee and won a socioeconomic fellowship for leadership development from our national neurosurgical societies.

It was no surprise to me that my colleagues at the world leading pediatric brain tumor clinical and research program in Toronto, Canada, selected Dr. Thompson to serve as their 2013-14 Chief Fellow. They see both the accomplishment and promise for our field that he carries with him. I am excited to see our resident succeed, but also very excited for the future of my chosen field, pediatric neurosurgery. I am also delighted that the experience of caring for children at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital is inspiring the best of our young trainees, in many fields, to dedicate their careers to carrying on and improving the tradition of pediatric medicine and surgery.

Dr. Eric Thompson